every species has learned how to live off their land, we've just been doing a very, very good job of keeping ourselves from being eaten by the others, and so we populate like crazy and are able to manipulate the land around us as we see fit without many distractions. You ever see what happens when you take away an ecosystem's top predator? over eating, messing up of the land until it becomes uninhabitable, and the herd keep moving on to find more places to screw up.
That's why i split up the human race with what most would call the absolutely evil and the absolutely good, what with one believing that the other are not worth their lives and should be eradicated or tortured. i mean come on, the other animals usually just chase who they don't want in their group away and beating them enough to get their point accross, why we gotta be so overly violent?
HAHA! that is true, i'm not insulting your drama, i love it when people get dramatic and hyped up.
....is there any other species that overdramatically wishes for the complete annhilation and torture of their own kind when the "tainted" don't follow what the "enlightened" believe is acceptable?
haha...no..but every other species has learned to achieve a state of natural equilibrium with their ecosystem..they've learned how to live off the land, without feeding off of it if you get my meaning..and if you'll read carefully, i didn't wish for the total annihalation of the human race...i split it into two groups, those poisoning the planet no i'm not including people who simply lie or steal in that category, i'm talking about people that have begun to build and revolve their lives around themselves with no thought to the well-being of the rest..those that have refrained from doing that, the truly selfless, i would say are fine..and as far as overdramatically goes..drama seems to be the only way to get a response out of people anymore, so sue me xD..