I'm your normal average every day guy... you know, regular stuff like..i invented the wheel, i wield a mighty trident like posiedon and i ride a mystical horse with wings...WINGS MAN WINGS!!!!!
pessimist, nuisance
highschool baby!
podunk idaho
Joined on 4/15/10
True, everyone dies all the time, but smokers don't tend to outlive anti smokers by natural means (where the cancer comes in), and while I don't care for smoking out of that reason (do what you wish as long as you know what's gonna happen) but because it's a little hard NOT to involve someone else. Non-smokers aren't used to breathing in carbon-monoxide and friends so we'll start coughing and all other kinds of unpleasantness. If there was a smoke-free cigarette I wouldn't care but then how could you call that smoking?
not sure what they're called but look up vapor cigarettes or mechanical cigarettes
and no i agree with you, if i smoke and my smoke causes someone else problems, that's my fault and i need a good yellin
OTHERWISE i just wanna be left alone about it lol..i know i'm dyin, but as of yet, i haven't found reason enough to not consider that a goal..(long term goal, i'm not suicidal)